Rivers of Bangladesh

Introduction :

Bangladesh is a land of rivers. She is in fact cross-crossed by numerous rivers. These river are very useful to the overall development of the country. The river here are full to the brim in the rainy season. But in winter they take a very shabby look.

Main Rivers :

There are many rivers in Bangladesh. Of them The Padma, The Meghna, The Jamuna, The Karnaphuli, The Brahammaputra etc are the big and main rivers. Apart from these, there are many other small river almost all over the country.

Importance of Rivers :

The rivers of Bangladesh play a very important role in various sectors.
Firstly, They are a huge source of fishes. Actually the rivers are a real sanctuary of fishes which d one of our main food items.
Secondly, The agriculture sector of our country largely depends on those rivers for irrigation.
Thirdly, Some nightly river are also great source of energy. For example: The hydro-electric project on the river Karnnafuly can remove the power shortage of Bangladesh to a great extent.
Fourthly, Our river are the main way of communication. Moreover the rivers carry silt with them which increases the fertility of our lands. They are also a great source of natural beauties.
Demerits : Despite many advantages, the river sometimes cause suffering to the people. The river often get filled by excessive rainfall and cause floods. Floods bring about untold miseries and misfortunes.

Conclusion :

In spite of having a few negative effects, the rivers of Bangladesh play a very significant role in the sociology-economy of the country. Truly speaking, the rivers are the part and parcel of our country. They are no doubt a blessing to us as well as our country.

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