Definition of a gentleman - His characteristics
We often say, so and so is a gentleman, or so and so is not a gentleman. We make this sweeping remark on the basis of his pleasing or displeasing us. If a man pleases us, he is gentleman; if he does not, he is not a gentleman. But can this be the standard of judging a man as gentle or not gentle? If a man fails to please us, can he not be a gentleman? If we approach a man for some donations for our proposed picnic and if he refuses us to pay anything will he cease to be a gentleman? Certainly not. Who, then, is a gentleman?
The original meaning if the word gentle is noble or well-bred. So originally a man was considered as a gentleman who by birth and training, belonged to the upper class. Because the social manners of the upper class as compared with those of the lower class were refined, any man, having reined taste and manners came, in course of time, to he regarded as a gentleman. This sense of the gentleman is till continuing, whether he comes of a noble family or not. Now the word gentlemanliness means refined outward behavior. So a man of refined outward behavior is a gentleman. But what are the signs of refinement which distinguish a gentleman from one who is not? The special characteristics of a gentleman are as follows:
A gentleman should have a fine character, that is, he should be polite and courteous in his behavior. But this should not be an outward show for winning respect and admiration. This should spring from the goodness of his heart. He is by nature tender at heart and thinks of the feelings, comfort and happiness of others before his own. Humility is another characteristic of the gentleman. He is never proud of his birth, learning, position or wealth. In other words, he is absolutely free from all sense of vanity
A gentleman scrupulously abhors and avoids the show of any of his powers Thus while doing favors to others, he avoids making much of them.
Pleasantness in manners and dealings is another characteristic of a gentle. In his dealings with others he is always pleasant ordinarily he does not use harsh Words to anybody. But when he is compelled to use such words, he does not make them harsher or severer than it is necessary.
A true gent1e has a cheerful disposition and, with a smile on his lips, deals with others.
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