The Necessity of Taking Balanced Diet

Taking balanced diet is very important to keep good health. The advantages of balanced diet for keeping good health beggars description. It is said that keeping good health is quietly impossible without maintaining balanced diet. In fact, a balanced diet is a combination of different kinds of food items of definite colors and levels. 

The foods which contain carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals are called balanced diet. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins are considered as major nutrients items these are very essential for our health. These items provide our body with energy to perform different kinds of functions. Beating of heart, activity of muscles and brain are worthy of them. 

The body that is free from all sorts of diseases is called good health. We can keep good health to follow some rules and regulations and to take balanced diet. Eating balanced diet is one of the ways of keeping good health. Besides, eating vegetables, drinking pure water and eating balanced diet are the prerequisite of keeping good health. I am a student and I always try to take balanced diet. Because, I know that health is wealth and health is the root of all happiness. Balance diet is essential for keeping good health. If people do not take balanced diet, they often suffer from various diseases. Therefore, I always try to have balanced diet. The importance of keeping good health cannot be described in words. 

In the long run, it can be said that good health is the prerequisite of all success. And good health cannot be preserved without taking balanced diet. Therefore, we should take balanced diet regularly so that we can lead a healthy, happy and successful life.

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