once said "Give me an educated mother and I will give you an educated
nation.” This statement is enough to prove the importance of female education.
No nation can progress without educated mothers. Allah has created both man and
woman equally. They are like the two sides of a coin. One is incomplete without
the other. So, education cannot be the only possession of a single class or
sex. Rather, it should be imparted equally to both men and women. Our religion
has also made education compulsory for all.
the past, our women folk were confined within the four walls of home. Parents
did not allow them to receive education and to participate in any outside work.
Early marriage, religious misinterpretation and the narrowness of our outlook
created bar to the path of education. These were great disadvantages. Parents
also thought it waste of time and money to educate their girls. They did not
understand that if girl children were educated they could be as competent as
male children.
our women folk constitute almost half of our total population, no real
development is possible keeping them uneducated. We must not forget that family
is the primary training ground of human beings, and mother is at the center. An
educated mother knows well how to make and shape the character of her children.
She knows well how to bring up her children, to educate them and to make them
worthy. In domestic life, she can also extend her helping hand to her husband.
So, there is no alternative to female education.
is a matter of great delight that women have started to come out of their
cocoons. Being educated, they are advancing forward and joining a wide range of
professions. They have already been able to prove their abilities. They are
also becoming successful in establishing themselves in educational, scientific, industrial, cultural,
philosophical, and literary arenas. Even they have become successful in
exposing their talent in politics and politicization. In fact, they are
becoming self-dependent day by day.
all disadvantages of female education including male domination of the society,
early marriage and religious misinterpretation must be removed in the
underdeveloped countries. The good news is that recently the scenario of female
education has started to change. All possible facilities of female education
have been extended. Education for girls up to degree level has been made free
with a monthly stipend. More schools and colleges for girls are being set up to
spread female education. If a mother is not educated, the child is not taken
care of properly. So, all of us should come forward to spread female education.
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